Making a difference at Christmas
For more than a decade we have been distributing toys and food hampers to some of the most needy in our community, thousands of children had benefited from the generosity of our supporters.
Christmas Toy Appeal 2019
We need your help this year with toys, there are so many children in our local community who face a bleak Christmas this year, you can help us make a difference. Can you donate one new toy????
Can you ask your workplace colleagues to join with you in donating one Toy? We have numerous collection points or if its easier, we will collect the toys and distribute them in our local community.
Further details available from patrick@ or tel 07827211806.
Spirit Aid Receives No Public Funding and 90% of what you donate goes to our Communities and our Projects. As a charity, we rely heavily on the goodwill of others who share our ideals and desire for change. Without the help and involvement of you, we would not be able to continue the work we do. We are always looking to hear from anyone who would like to help us with our fundraising activities. If you are looking to organise an event to raise funds for Spirit Aid, then we can provide you with a help pack to get you started. Just contact us through our contact page to get the ball rolling.