Richard Stewart Family Learning Centre
“The kindness and generosity of Spirit Aid has enabled our children to have fantastic outdoor gear to enjoy their outdoor learning experiences, allowed families to have a lovely surprise at Christmas of a food hamper and helped the Nursery Santa to bring amazing presents to the children. Their support throughout the year helps all our children but in the covid pandemic they have also had a huge impact in supporting our most vulnerable families.”
Jenny Winsley
St. Philip’s Day Services
“I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the staff and young people of St Philip’s School to extend our sincere thanks to you for the outstanding support you provided to many of our young people and their families throughout the national lockdown period. The support you provided greatly helped many families across North and South Lanarkshire who experienced exceptionally challenging times and your support made a huge difference to them. The young people and their families were immensely appreciative of your support and you certainly made a massive difference to their quality of life throughout this period.”
Julie Ross